woman in red dungeons & dragons shirt taking selfie

Hello Hello! I’m May.

After 12 years of working a horrible job, I got lucky in 2018 and found a wonderful business that I fit into. It affords me a great work/life balance which allows me spend time and energy to do the things I love, like being creative! I love the folks that I have the privilege to work with everyday. I’ve honestly never laughed so much while working a day job. It has completely changed my outlook and attitude towards life.

I used to have dreams of diving straight into animation right out of college. I wanted sooo bad to design and build on video games and create badass cut scenes yadda yadda yadda. A couple years had gone by & as I studied in that field, I found that I was less and less interested in it. While I was enthralled with how games are built and all the technical work that goes into them, I craved to build and create with physical mediums. I realized early on that I was pretty good at graphic design and creating logos from scratch but it really isn’t a passion. It’s just fun to do in my spare time.

Currently I enjoy painting & drawing with acrylic/oil & charcoal/graphite. I also I build worlds in Dungeons & Dragons (various editions). I super duper LOVE horror anything, dill pickles, purple, & skulls. I find that I identify with an 83 year old or at least I feel like I do. I could spend hours just watching old reruns of Unsolved Mystery’s or Forensic Files (honestly, any murdery kind of show) while crocheting on the couch under a blanket. Maybe throw a few Gin drinks in there and I’d be set.