so far so good

So it’s now 2020! Happy New Year!

My holiday times were really nice, since Travis & I married this year we kind of used that has a good reasoning to just stay at home and not travel. We generally travel for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and our families live in opposite directions several hours apart. I was getting pretty exhausted toward the end of the year especially after the wedding. I just wanted to relax. I didn’t (and still don’t) have extra PTO to spend. I have one day that I am hanging on to in case of bad weather or if I actually become ill. So looking forward to march when I’ll have a bank again to use.

I went out last night to a bookstore in search of a new planner for the year. I feel pretty good about this year and have a bit high expectations of myself. I am in such a good place mentally and emotionally since I started my current job back in 2018. I just feel better about myself and I have much more self-esteem than I’ve ever had. My husband, Travis, has been so good to me. He’s a pillar of support and love.

…anyway, I picked up a new planner and am working on making sure I have all my shit together. Not only am I going to be working on this website but I’ll be working with another group of wonderful folks from the Redemption Podcast. This is my first non D&D RPG game! It’s pretty exciting and fun.

I have two main goals for this year, the first is to look at my planner every day. I found myself skipping a day or two here and there last year but I’m sure this year will be different. The second is to be a bit more consistent with producing any kind of content, I really would like to find my niche and just kind of run with it.

I am just happy. Like really from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head happy.

I honestly have felt like I’ve just been waiting for that one fantastical thing to happen my entire life and I think it may just be starting. I can’t wait to see what this year holds and I cannot wait to share it with you all.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Lacking Concentration


Almost the End