
It’s supposedly Autumn… but it doesn’t REALLY feel like it yet. I need more chilly weather and hoodies. The leaves are certainly changing and Halloween is almost here but the weather is too warm still for my liking.

With the pandemic happening and all social things being put on pause, there probably wont be much of a Halloween or Holiday season. At least I hope not for the latter. I still love Halloween and have no problems celebrating that without guests. Though We actually will have a guest on Halloween. We’ll be playing Mansions of Madness! I am looking forward to that.

It’s almost my 1 year wedding anniversary with Travis. Less than a month now and I’m just as happy as I have ever been with him. People have joked about us just getting married and then having to go into lock down shortly after. I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve been able to spend with him.

Our goal is to go off season camping again this year. I reeeeeally enjoyed doing that last year and there was nobody at the campground. So being able to do that and social distance is very doable.

Pretty sure that it had already snowed by this time last year… still have three weeks so we’ll see what happens.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


1 Year


meow meow meow