Good Friends + Good Drinks + Good Times

Last night my Return to Greyhawk group got together via Zoom to visit and play D&D. We’ve been on a break for awhile and have actively been trying to get back into some sort of regular play again. Lucky that we’ve been able to do so two Sundays in a row! Woohoo!

It was really quite fun and I think that we all needed it… some more than others. With the increased stress with the Shelter in Place orders from state to state and everything shutting down has been a bit crazy. It’s nice being able to find a pocket of comfortableness and appreciate the company of others… even though they are several hundred miles away.

We all had a discussion about how much we speak with everyone else in the group and while we’re all very good friends, we don’t always reach out. None of us really do. Our DM asked me why I personally don’t and I am honestly happy in solitude. I do think of others and wonder how they are doing but I’m just not the initiator. If you reach out to me, I’ll always respond! I have just always been this way.

Just because I don’t reach out doesn’t mean I don’t care. I care about a lof of folks.

RtG was able to get together again today for lunch to hang out and chat. Most of us were anyway. I can’t wait to continue the story and see where it goes. Perhaps we’ll all make it again for another session next Sunday! I can only hope!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Afternoon Rambles


Life goes on