..and here we are..

Jeeze. Sometimes I don’t realize how long it’s been. Time has gotten funny over the last couple of weeks.

I’m still working from home under quarantine/stay at home orders and will probably be doing so at least until the end of the this month. We’ll see if it gets extended. Honestly, I feel like it should be extended at least another month… maybe two. Depends on where things peak.

I’m backing DMing again! Super excited for that. My home D&D game that I DM is willing to move forward online! So I’m sucking it up and getting everything together for an online campaign! We had Zero session this last weekend and hopefully session one will happen in the next couple of weeks! I’m REALLY excited for this because I miss my IRL friends and hanging out with them. I really really can’t wait to play in person again with them all.

Work seems to be flying by these days and I’m looking forward to going back into the office. At the earliest, I think we could possibly be headed back to the office 4/24. There has been talk in the news to extending it until the end of May... it’s hard to even guess what people are going to do now.

Personally I’m doing pretty good. Working hard to get into a decent routine here at the house so I’m not such a mess when I actually can go back to work. I’m looking into restructuring my diet. Which isn’t the most easy thing in the world to do but it would be better for me in the end. Currently I’m weaning off of the carbs. I eat so so SO many of them. More to come on the diet front.

I’ve also started up Pilates again too. That was my absolute favourite way to exercise in college. Time to dust off the old yoga mat and give it a try again! I found a pretty awesome couple on Twitch that has a live class (now that everybody is in quarantine) Mon-Fri that is from 8am-9pm CST.

I guess I have quite a few new things going on with me during this lock down and I’m just trying to get them all sorted and in place for the future to come.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.




Afternoon Rambles