
It's been another stretch of time since my last post. I'm slowly digging myself out of the creative funk that I've been in. Though some days I'm not sure if I'm digging myself out or just another parallel hole.

Work is still so very busy right now that I'm working 12-hour days. I don't mind too much because I get that overtime... and with covid-19, I'm still working from home.

It's looking like my IRL D&D group will be getting together again in 2 weeks. I'm sure it's probably via Discord and not in person but I will take what I can get! I'm pretty excited for that because it's been awhile. Some folks in my group have had some intense personal issues to deal with. I have lost one player completely, one is on a perma-hiatus, the third one is extremely up in the air…so I'm sure yoy’ll find out probably the same time you all do. Ha!

My kitten Bella (who is more like at now as she's going on 12) had surgery a couple weeks ago and is doing really well now. She's acting like her old self again. That's one really good thing going on.

The podcast that I'm in hopefully will be releasing new material in the next month, at least that's the plan / hope.

Not sure what else to talk about, my life has been just filled with work and more work, Travis, and my sweet fur children. I guess I will sink back down in this tub for another few moments of relaxation before emerging into the real world.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Opiate [Explicit]

