
I’m working on a lot of things. Several are intangible but there are at least a couple that to have solid matter. :)

I should be receiving my new computer desk today… barring any unexpected events it’ll be delivered. This wonderful new desk will hold my wonderful new computer! I finally got around to building a new tower. It’s been years since I’ve done that. Even though I have a fancy gaming laptop… it’s still not a tower and shouldn’t reeeally be used as a desktop. Which I have been and it’s fans are super unhappy about that. I’ve already replaced them once.

I have all the parts for my new tower except that mobo, that’ll be here hopefully by the end of the month. I’ll post my spec and pics later once everything is together.

I’m in a weird place today, so I just keep trying to focus on actual things that I can see progress on.

Focus. That has been hard to do the last few week. Like really really hard.

Ugh. I’m trying. At least I think that I am. Maybe I’m just telling myself that I am. :\

Would be the first time that I’ve lied to myself.

Anyway speaking of focus, I ACTUALLY should be working my real job that pays me money instead of this.

meh. that is the general consensus by me. :|


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

meow meow meow


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