over a year

Oooookay now. So it’s been over a year now. You know… since the whole pandemic started.

I never thought that I’d be working from home but here I am! It’s kinda nice but I also do miss going in to my office. I’ll see it eventually again. Probably end of July I think? shrug I know the entire office has enjoyed the flexibility of being able to just work from home. It’s really rather nice not having a commute.

The CEO mentioned having a three day in office week and working from home Mon & Fri. I do really like that idea. I have really enjoyed working for this company… it’s THE BEST company that I’ve even been a part of.

I’ve thought several times about moving out of state… and now it seems like if I do that, I could potentially still keep my position. That will not for another year or two… maybe longer.

Who knows… I’m just rambling at this point.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


kitten feels

