D&D with Kittens

It’s been a heck of a week at work. Just high level of stress than usual… and I’m just generally exhausted this week. Suuuper happy that it’s Friday! I get to play D&D tonight and run an adventure tomorrow for a new group of players… this will be our fourth session I think. Counting zero session.

Work and game wise, everything has been pretty good. Last weekend we actually had an in-person D&D game with my original group that started up about 5yrs ago. That was really fun, I missed having people over like that… but we all have our shots and are healthy so that’s good.

My little Bellaboo kitten (who is actually going to be 13) needs to go back to the vet. I have an appointment for her next Tuesday afternoon. She may need to be kept over night for surgery in the morning and I’m back into stress/worry mode over that. She’s been doing really really well health-wise lately. I had a few scares here and there but she seems pretty strong now. I just really had the thought of her having to be put under anesthesia… she breaths a little odd anyway and the vet knows that… and anytime anybody/thing has surgery it’s a risk. I just really don’t like it being on my sweet kitten.

It’s incredibly difficult to think about her passing… but I have to think about it because it’s a very real possibility especially with her age. Ooh my heart just thinking about it.

Lets hope next Tuesday goes well.



Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


Bellaboo 💜


Winner Winner blanched almond flour dinner