Counting. Always counting.

Since the start of this year I have been working to get my diet in check. I'm sure it's actually been a bit longer than that but I actually buckled down this year. I think I might have finally found something that works. I am on a modified keto diet and it seems to be doing okay… actually more than okay! I never thought I would be one of the people that counts everything and scrutinizes whatever I eat but here I am. I have even become the person that makes my own peanut butter cups from scratch… which is not really that hard at all.

I currently am in the middle of making some kind of low carb gluten-free cookie and talking to my phone. I must admit I'm pretty surprised at my results so far in addition to being surprised by the variety of things I can eat just as long as I do so properly.

Diets are weird. Getting old is weird. I'm just trying to do better for myself and keep it up. Hell, I've even thrown in daily exercise which is another surprise. Any younger version of me would not know who I am today but I'm okay with that.

Growth and changes what life's about. You can't remain the same in a dynamic environment and what is more dynamic than life.

The cookie timer is about to go off, hopefully they turn out great!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Winner Winner blanched almond flour dinner

