It's Already July? Gah!

Jeeze it’s been a bit.

Um… things have been busy. My IRL work picked up quite a bit but now I’m on a 3 day long weekend thanks to the holiday! Woo! Spent most of the day yesterday using the smoker and BBQing a 12lb brisket into a delicious and magical meal. It. Was. So. Good.

Had a weekend off from D&D, I’ve been running alternation games every Saturday evening and it as nice to have a bit of a break. I love running the games but have three going at once can get a bit exhausting.

I’m currently oh the search for a playing mat that I love. I’m looking for some that have actual terrain printed on it instead of just plain hexes or a grid.

I’m also trying/struggling to find the steam to work on my own homebuilding world again. It somehow slid to a backburner after the three other games started up. I’m hoping that at least one of the campaigns that I’m running wraps up by the end of the summer. I really reeeeeeeeealy need to carve out some time for my own world.

Hopefully soon! Anyway, have a happy and safe 4th of July! 🎆🎇


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

just tired

