Valley & Hill

We had ordred Chinese food delivery sometime in the last two weeks, I can’t remember exactly… but that’s not the point of this. As with any Chinese food delivery, it comes with at least two fortune cookies. This time we were given three.

Generally we never actually eat these cookies until well after the meal and whenever I go to pick a cookie, I never take it lightly. There’s few things that I reallly belive in an I’m not necessarily saying that I believe all fortune cookies or just generally fortunes. I just think that everything will be as it’s meant to, but there is always hope for making it better.

In a few days it will be three months since my husband was laid off, his employer at the time made some big cuts and let a ton of folks go. It was unexpected and came at a fairly bad time… though I’m pretty sure there is never a “good” time to be laid off. We had just moved in June and lived in this new house for about a month.

We had come into a lucky deal because we moved into another house of our amazing landlord and he didn’t ask us to pay another deposit, he just moved it to this new place. We had a little extra money thanks to this and used part of it to hired movers. The rest, ended up being spent a bit flagrantly. New TV, brand new Xbox, standing desk, fancy air fryer/microwave, and a really cool coffee maker to name a few things. Honestly, they were all items we were waiting on getting until we felt comfortable making those large purchases.

Then the layoff happend.

So lets bring this back around to the fortune cookies… I’m pretty serious when I pick my cookie from the options provided. I close my eyes, I breathe in, and then I choose.

Always a valley before a hill.

Sometimes the fortune is pretty generic but sometimes it hits home. A few days later, what we thought would be a job offer wasn’t. It was a “we’re sorry your over qualified for us” and the kicker to that was that they really did want to give a job offer but they also didn’t want to chance going throug all of that and then he getting bored and leaving. The still have his CV.

After this dissapointing low another in person interview comes and it’s for a job he defintly doesn’t want. He interviews anyway, it’s good to get the practice and experience… not even 6hrs after the interview did they call with a job offer. He asked for some time to discuss with me and they gave him two days. Without saying yes or no, he replied to them with a negoation in salary. This place didn’t offer him nearly what his time is worth. This bought him a couple more days because the person he was talking to couldn’t make the decision.

That negoation is going on while he has yet another video interview that day. This interview was a hard read but he felt pretty good about it. To be fair, we’ve felt pretty good about quite a few of these interviews… anyway, we’re just taking them as go. I can tell that he’s getting overly tired from the stress of not working and still having to put on a show for everybody who is alreayd scrutinizing him.

He goes out that evening to pick up our order of BBQ and while on the way, he gets a call from this most recent interview and they offer him the job and a MUCH higher pay then the one that’s currently in negoation. He accepts and everything is in process to get him started here in a week!

So back to that fortune cookie, I think & hope that we are finally headed back up the hill. With some hard work and luck we’ll stay there awhile.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.



Anime Girl & the Sword