Be In the Moment

I feel like so much has happend this year and I feel like it went by quicker than prior years. Am I finally catching up to the point when elderly folk says to slow down? That time races by the older one gets? Maybe I’m just on the edge of that.

Whatever the case, it’s sure going by fast.

It was nice seeing my paretns. my mother seems to be coming to grips with the kind of treatment that she’s on AND that she’ll need it a regular intervals. I think it may have made her a bit nicer to be around. My father, I always love seeing my father. There has never been a time I haven’t wanted to see him. It' is interesting meeting my paretns as adults vs when I was a child to them. It was awkward those first several years but now there’s just some kind of comfort around it. They are real people! Seems stupid to say, but here I am almost XX years old and just stating that.

Tomorrow is the 1st of December. The rest of the year is a downhill slide with everything whizzing by. Hopefully not too fast though, there’s a few cool things going on in December.

Pay attention and enjoy life as much as you can. Even try and find joy in the things you dislike… like going to family holiday functions. My father got a bit sappy about that point. Those family functions really mean a heck of a lot more down the line after years pass. Enjoy the family you have while you have them.

Black & White family photo standing on stairs

Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

the sickness

