
I’m slows getting better at the getting up in the morning again. That week of vacation really reset my getting up early ability. 😂 The weather is changing and feeling more like Autumn on the edge of Winter! Althought today is stuposed to get up to 78. Bleh. It’s dropping pretty drastically after that.

Ummm I’ve been checking out this Mastodon place. Folks seem to be jumping off Twitter for other platforms to be social on. I got an account set up. Two actually. One to keep all the ttrpg people together and a 2nd one to have for everything else that I like. It’ll be nice have then seperate because some of the things I like dont always overlap with ttrpg stuff.

I’m learning to like it… if I’m being honest, I think that I already like it better than Twitter. It makes me think of my old Gothic Underworld forum. Kind of weird to say that but I just mean the structur and how/what people post.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


What's this? There's color everywhere!


oh gosh