Gin & the bathtub

So today was a kind of hard day at work, it was pretty busy and I'm working on multiple tasks at one time pretty much all the time. My manager lets me know this morning that one of my clients has passed away…so that was kind of weird but also very not unexpected just knowing this person as long as we have.

Work is fine, just the usual bullshit that most people have every day. And thankfully it's the kind of job that I don't have to keep thinking about once I clock out. I'm still very happy with my job. I guess I'm lucky in that.

I'm planning to be moving here by the end of July, that's when my lease is up. I still don't know the house and that's perfectly fine to me because I enjoy moving every so many years to a new place. I'm not sure where we'll be headed. I feel like it'll probably be somewhere on the Missouri side of the state line. Renting houses has just gotten so expensive anymore especially in Kansas. I feel like I would like to buy a house but I don't want to buy one in the city, it needs to be out in the country somewhere so far away from whoever my neighbor might even be. Someday I'll find the right place.

So here I am now drinking a gin beverage that is super delicious, it's cranberry gin something something. Pretty much it is a French gimlet with cranberry notes. It's a creation that Travis and I came up with over the last couple years.

There should be a sigh entered right here but my phone doesn't understand the concept of a sigh when dictating to it. So anyway here I am sitting in a very relaxing bath, bubble bath mind you, sipping on my drink and talking to you. I honestly cannot wait to move, I'm tired of this place. We were supposed to move the summer that the pandemic really took place but because of the pandemic and all the covid precautions we were not able to go view houses so we opted to stay another year, well, 2 years here and now here I am. It's not terrible, I'm just anxious to get out.

I think that I want to tell my boss that I will just be permanently home-based, I initially wanted to be back and forth so I could see the folks at the office and also work from home but my mother got sick there for a while and I didn't want to chance transmitting anything to her during that time. I stayed in secluded as much as I could. Things seem to be looking up though for my mother but I still don't want to go into the office anymore. I don't get a lot of solitude and it's nice having absolute quiet around. It's probably one of the reasons why I enjoy my bath so much. It's only me in here and my thoughts and usually some kind of classy drink. 😂

So again here I am kind of restless because I haven't been able to do a lot of things that I thought I would be doing at this point I think it's really just because I'm stuck in this house still. This was supposed to be a stepping stone or a stop by and then we get a bigger house, a better house! Fucking pandemic, you ruined my plan.

So moving forward I'll be looking for a new place to move to, I honestly want to move out of state fire up north or maybe Northeast anywhere that has a shit ton of snow, I miss winter so much. Winter never happens here in Kansas anymore or Missouri.. it's confusing living on the state line sometimes when you talk about your location to the public. It's not confusing to me but sometimes can be confusing to other people who are not familiar with Kansas City in the whole state line business.

So what was the point of all these rambling so far? I don't fucking know, I'm just having a conversation with you, my quiet companions.

So I will continue to have my conversations with you, just speaking into the void of the internet, the world, whatever you want to call it, it's actually fairly comforting knowing that at least somebody is out there listening.

That might be all I have tonight though I feel like sinking under the water for a few minutes before draining the bath and rinsing myself off. What a way to end today.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.



Wrapping Up?