rain and stuff

It’s finally raining again! I hope this keeps up all week like the forcast is for…but we’ll see.

The house is kind of starting to feel like home. Little by little. It’s still kind of werid though. I miss having art on the walls but I also don’t have stuff that I actually want to hang yet. I also need/want to get a dresser or cabinet type of thing for the bedroom. I dont like having my stuff in the garage… and in boxes… and in the 2nd bedroom closet. 🙁 I just want my stuff in one place that I can get to easy. I figured when moving into this new slightly smaller and differenly shaped house, that I’d be stuck even longer without space. I keep telling myself it was the best option and price that we were able to get.

I’m thankful we did go with this house, I’m unsure how we’d be able to handle a more expensive place right now. The Electricy bill is more costly than our previously places…keeping the house of 72 is gross but manageable. I cannot wait for Autumn and Winter…

I REALLY cannot wait for the camping trip. Pleeeeeeease let us still be able to go camping this year.



Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.



