
I’m supposed to run a D&D game tonight… after not having ran any since mid June. ****Flails**** So yeah.

There’s just a lof shit going on currently in my little world and I don’t really like much of it. It’s not difficult shit, just uncomfortable and full of anxiety. I’m doing my best to disctract myself… ha.. who am I kidding, I’m not “doing my best” pffft.

I just want a breather.

I just want stability.

I’m slipping.

Just do the thing!

…but it’s not really up to me.

Hopefully tonight goes well. I have another game starting back up on Thursday too that I play in! Woo! I miss those folks. One of their birthdays is later this month and I’m excited to give them their gifts!

So it’s not all so boo and hoo around here, though I feel perpetually annoyed.

I also want a real fucking bath. This new bathtub is fucking lame. House is much nicer than the last house with the exception of the tub. Super. Duper. Fucking. Lame.

ANYWAY.. I probably should actually do my for reals work. 😩


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.




How fucking embarrassing