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So… how are you? >.>;

Totally not a werid way to start a journal entry. heh… Things are low key werid still at the house. Been here a little over two months now. It might feel like home by the time Halloween rolls around…which is coming up soon! SOON! There are a very few things that I do get excited for.

I just hope that new opportunities present themselves before then. Liek… having them present right now would be fantastic. I’m just tired of a lot. but keeps trudging and trying to focus on things that make me happy or uses the creative part of my brain.

I think that I want to re do this site again. I thought it was super passionate about running D&D games but…while I do enjoy it (when it doesn’t feel like job that I HAVE to do), it’s not really giving me the creative outlet that I need.

The times when I feel like my brain has the most clairity seem to happen when I can’t just drop everything and work toward my goal. But perhaps that’s what I need to do. I’m just not finanacially stable enough to pull such a trick.

Can somebody just drop me $50K? I’d super appreciate it. It would pretty much reset everything for me and provide me the freedome to actually do things I want to do in my free time away from my daily job…you know, besides frett. A girl can always dream.

Oooh well. Lets go make that money…


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Scream! This is Halloween

