Ms. Pinktoe

Soft fuzzy grey and white kitten with huge green eyes

My sweet little fuff had a vist to the vet over the weekend. For the last year, we’ve believed shes had Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) but this last bought with it (this seems to occure ever three-ish months), it was a bit rougher than usual. We saw the vet and picked up the usual antibiotics for her but she’s still not seeming very well. The vet thinks that Bella may have feline diabetes…. so that sucks if so but it’s managable. We’re to see Bell through this two weeks of antibiotics first and then if no change, then back to the vet for bloodwork. Poor little girl.

After reading up about feline diabetes, she does have a couple of the symptoms… though they are also some common behaviour she’s had for yeeeeears now. So just guessing doesn’t help anything.

I’m just a bit stressed out over my cat… which completely overshadows the D&D game that happend also over the weekend. It did not go as I intended but it worked out I suppose.


I need more time… just in general.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Herr Doktor


ugh ☹