New Year. Same Me.

So were we go 2023… lets see what all can and will happen.

The start so far has been a bit rough with Bella being ill and, oh, I don’t think I mentioned it yet but there was an issue with the trucks radiator on the way back from my parents. Thankfully that was resolved fairly quickly.

This is my struggle week. I’m working to get back into my up at 6am and writing by 7 thing… next week will really be my go at at. It’ll be after the surgery and I won’t be just rando freaking out about my cat.

Can it be over already?

I’m tired and have a stress headache 24/7.

AND I’m trying to wrap up all of my D&D games within the first 6 months of this year. By June (my birthday) is when hopefully they will all be done. I’m trying to nudge them along in game.

Also, where is my dang snow?! It’s winter, give me snow!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

BrainThoughts & Bellaboo

