Bella Update

Thankfully the surgery went as good as it could go! Woo! Two mammaries had to be removed so she’s down two nipples but seems to be healing nicely. She’s not really eating much but that was to be expected. She’s mostly just sleeping in her favorite bed and nibbling when she feels like it. The most active she’s been since coming home late Friday afternoon is playing in the water dish. I switched out the fancy big water fountain because she kept falling in it a bit and making a mess. Now it’s back to the OG water dish…which she likes to slap the water in splashing it all over. it might be mess but I’m more than OK with it right now.

It’ll probably take a few weeks to heal completely. My poor little fluff!

Dr. E gave her this injection below the skin on the back of her neck/shoulders…. its pain meds that slowly absorb into the body so we don’t have to give her any by mouth. It’s a pretty nifty thing, both Bella and I appreacite it.

I’ve just been babying her since she came home. Friday was exhusting and Saturday was even wose because I didn’t actually sleep Friday night. I stayed awake incase Bella needed anything. I managed to catch up on sleeps via naps both Saturday and Sunday.

That was just a lot of stress. I can’t even imagine going through this with real human childrens. i’ll stick with my furr kids.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Mmm Startch


Dr. E