Cottage in the Mountain Woods


I’m tired again. In a few ways. Even though I had my “mini cacation” I’m still just exhausted. I wish that I could just take a month or two off from people. I really do need a hidden cottage in the mountain woods somwhere.

I took two day off…and while they were great for getting some of my creative things started, it wasn’t long enough. It’s like just a taste and now I’m back at my daily work wishing and dreaming for more time like that. The thing is, is that I’m not actaully lazy and I DO actaully want to work…I just don’t want to work for a job that is sucking my soul out again. I’ve been there…that’s the job I left for this one. I had a great first three years before the company started changing. I love everything about the company and now I just hate it.

Actual hate. Hates a pretty strong word but not for this. There is nothing enjoyable about my job anymore except for the days I used PTO to not be there. That has to be a biiiig red flag.

I know I can’t stay in this situtaion forever but it’s not the right time for me to changes jobs. I just know it’s not. I feel it. I trust my feelings so I’m going to keep doing what I can at this job without going crazy. Maybe something with change…we do have a new Ops Manager now, maybe that will make a good difference. It’s too early for me to tell yet.

I’ll be at capacity soon.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Time off

