
Soooo Tuco has been sick since late Saturday night/early Sunday morning. Coming out both ends at all hours. Neither Travis or I got much sleep Sunday night making Monday pretty long and exhausting. Reached out to the vet with all of his symptoms, we just had him in for dental cleaning last Wednesday. The vet thinks the stress of going in and being put under for the cleaning was just way too stressful for him. His tummy and GI bacteria got all out of wack leading to a condition abbreviated HGE. It's not fun. We picked up Tuco's Rx this evening and a bunch of chicken to make for him for the next few days. Got the meds in him at 9pm and just finally at midnight he ate some of the chicken. I've been trying all day to get him to eat something. It also looks like he finally fell asleep too. Maybe that means I can get some sleep.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.




Here we go