vivid dreams

Blank Sketchbook with pencil laying on it

I have artwork now. I’ve been drawing and making progress on that front. I’m unsure what the best way for me to post/display and attempt to sell is. I’m still working that part out. Clearly there are LOTS of ways to post, however, I dont want theft… which makes anykind internet based store or gallery basically a target. I know there are was to remove the left click function… or just covering the art with watermarks. I haven’t delved into that removing of the left click function with my particular website.

My main point with this post is really that I have actually created a decent number of pieces. I may not be going as fast as I would like but hopefully my momentum increases.

Since I have been creating again… specifically drawing, my memorable dreams have increased and grew much more vivid as of late. I dont recall this being a thing for me back when I used to just make art frequently. Something has changed and I like it. It, in a way, gives me hope for the path that I am on.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.



Ghosts from the Past