A little bit of everything.

It’s morning again. Boo!

Actually, it’s not so bad. Travis & I woke up and went for a mile walk… it’s probably a new thing we’ll add to our morning times. It does help with waking up but it’s also just good for us. We don’t exercise much if any. I’m still lifting weights but I really need to get more cardio in my life.

I also reeeeeally need to get a morning routine down and follow it. I think it’d help my creativity a lot. I have been drawing a heck of a lot more this last month and that has been really nice. I missed having that outlet. I may not be able to paint or draw on large canvass (which is my favourite), but it’s better than nothing at all.

Creating on large surfaces is a preferance of mine, I just have not had the space or time the last several years. Most of that was my fault but also partly out of my control. I’ve spent so much time and brain juice running D&D games that my artistic side went by the wayside. The other reason reason is how small the house we live (have lived in). We really need at least a 3 bedroom so I can have a room too, but you know, sometimes things have to be sacrificed and we couldn’t exactly afford to live in a large home.

Let’s see… what else…? Um, my workplace has kinda gone to shit! My little department keeps trying to struggle along doing what we can but everything is crumbling down around us. It feel like all the other departments (Production, Sales, QA, shipping) are all fighting for different things when they shouldn’t be fighting at all. There is a lot of problems and I’m not sure any of them will get corrected anytime soon.

I feel like that’s probabl all I got for today. Seems like enough. 😅

Puffy red orange clouds

Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


Shut up

