Floof Update

I’ve been kind of going a bit crazy with worry over Bella the last, almost, two weeks. I’ve taken her to the vet but it just seems like she had a bad reaction to the medication she was on for her UTI. If this is the side effects, I hope we never have to use it again. She’s just started eating more again and moving about the house.

I KNOW she’s not a kitten anymore even though I call her one. She’ll be 15 this Autumn and that’s getting up there in cat years. Early 70s if you put it into human years. 😭 I think, besides that bout of antibiotic side effects, Bella is starting to really show her age. I feel like the med stuff kicked it off but it could totally be unrelated and just happend at the same time.

Whatever the case, I’ve been a terrible mess. 😓

Bella’s health seems to have taken a turn for the better… so I’ll take that. She’s lost a pound or two over this whole ordeal, thankfuly she was a little heavy to begin with.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


so many sad sighs

