New Workspace

It’s been a min again! Wooo! Not really woo but whatever. So I’ve been in a kinda little funk that I’ve been trying to combat with retail thearpy. 😅😂

With the whole not moving thing this summer, I’m stuck in this house another 2yrs. Which, really, isn’t that awful. There’s a roof over my head and I have my baisc needs met. I could def ask for more and I want but I just can’t reasonably afford it. Sure I could live in a place that’s twice as much as the rent here but I’d like to not just set money on fire for funsies.

Since we last spoke, I’ve revamped my whole desk setup… standing desk, chair, drawers, cute little desk things that I never had before. It’s fucking adorable and getting more adorable daily (not really daily, maybe weekly). I need more shiny kawaii things. My little personal deak area (even though our in the public living area) feels nicer to me and its more enjoyable to spend time at my desk. This was really my main goal. Just having a nicer spot will make my work days better.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Me Day 💐


this summer