Arts. Bday. Kittens. Work.

The best thing in the world is waking up with an absolutly giant headache. Who doesn’t love them?


Anyway, I still have slow progress but really, any progress is still progress. In this case I’m meaning both the website and my creativity. Lately I feel as if I have short bursts of energy to create, to draw, paint, whatever…. but it never lasts as long as I’d like it to. I’m certain that is really because of environmental factors that I don’t really have a lot of sway over. You know, like bills and having to pay them. I find that my most creative and inspired time (at least lately) has been between 10am-1pm. It’s werid. I never could get into the swing of creation until super late at night/early morning. Clearly that’s changed. However, I’m working my stupid day job from 8am-4:3opm so I can’t just drop what I’m doing and go art.

I am thinking about taking some time off near my birthday and that’ll be nice. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year and I was looking at taking the following Mon-Wed off. I have a decen’t amount of PTO so I might as well instead of saving it. What am I saving it for anyway? Then I just have a chuck of time at the end of my yearly work anniversary to do something with every Feb/Mar. BUT ANYWAY taking time off from work would be nice, it generally is and I’m tired of feeling kind of stagnent. I know tha I’m not but the slooow progress feels more like a struggle than anything.

So what else is new? Ummm. The kittens are doing well. I still miss Bella fiercely, that really hasn’t softened. The kittens have grown so much. They’ll be 7 months old next week. It’s absolutley crazy to me how much time has passed since Bella scooted off and directe them to us. They are almost looking like real adult cats…. I used to carry them around in one palm and now I can hardly fit both of them in two arms! Scully has become quite the little barbarian in most ways but she does frighten easily by loud noises. Thunderstorms are not fun for her. Oli, is a little rogue. She will silently sneak to the tallest poing in the room, like a door frame, and you’ll never know until it’s too late an she jumps down on top of you! Not attacking or anything, she really just likes shoulder rides. They both do. Scully isn’t so great at them because she’s not nearly as graceful as Oli.

The city is doing a bunch of work out front of the house. They’ve been at it for 2-3 weeks now and it’s kinda getting old but it also keeps the crazy fast drivers from speeding. There’s watermain replament work going on and generally it’s just a bunch of construction folks scattered along the street all day on large tractors and trucks. At some point they’ll be digging up our front yard but who knows when. The work has been spotty lately because of all the crazy thunderstoms we’ve been getting the last week or so.

Blah… it’s a bit after 7am now and I do actually need to log into work early today. I have a lot of things to catch up on and I just don’t want to. I’m sure that’s no surprise to you.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Same Shit


Me Day 💐