
…and now it’s July.

June was kind of an awful blur. Maybe next year will be better. I do say that from time to time… maybe _____ will be better but that possibility of “better” doesn’t seem to make it my way ever.

Anyway… … went out of town this last weekend to see my parents and check up on them. They seem to be doing okay in general. Mom still is in bad health but that’s just life for her now. I was kind of afraid that the house would be out of order or a terrible mess just based off of a few converstations (messages) I’ve had with mom. It’s actually in a better state that it has been in awhile. They are slowly clearning out clutter and junk. Stuff they held on to for whatever reason but didn’t really need to. It’s a thing that’s been needed to have been done for years not but I think since mom’s been having more frequent health problems, they’re working more swiftly toward “getting everything in order” for, well, you know.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.



