Building Things Are Hard

Soooo… this will be my first blog post here on my site.

I haven’t had a blog since I was in high school. Everybody had a LiveJournal but then the cooler gothy kids had a DeadJournal. Bet you know when one I had.

ANYWAY. I’m not in any way fantastic at building this website. It’s all new and there is a fairly good sized learning curve. I feel pretty good about how far I’ve come though. I actually started to work on this space a little over a year ago and by work on, I mean that I just registered the site and let it sit for a year. And now here we are.

Just in this last week I’ve managed to figure out what the hell I’m doing. Mostly trial and error but at least I’m doing it, right? Hard work pays off and my goal is to get in the practice of working on this at least once a week. I’m looking to have any updates made on Sundays, it seems like the best time at least for me currently.

Liqquid Mitiril isn’t even a live place yet, I have it locked from the public until I get a bit more content up and also until I have a bit more confidence in what I’ve build here. I’ve got a ways to go but I have the forward momentum right and I just need to keep it going.



Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Wedding Planning