
So it has been a little while again, par for the course I suppose and I'm sure I've said that already at least once or twice I'm still working from home along with Travis which I'm thankful to have the opportunity to do so.

We are not traveling anywhere for the holidays and we'll just be cooking for ourselves thanks to covid. I slightly regret not spending the holidays with family last year but we chose that because we just got married and thought it would be nice. Now we get two years in a row on our own.

Nothing terribly crazy has happened for me, just working from home and playing D&D…trying to get my Star Wars podcast going again, Redemption hasn't recorded in a bit but that's also due to covid personally affecting one of the cast.I believe we are going to try to record this Saturday so we'll see what happens!

I am pretty excited to cook another Thanksgiving dinner, I really enjoy doing that kind of kitchen work, it's just fun.

The weather's finally starting to get colder which is about time since it is fall and has been for a little while. We had a little snow before Halloween but I haven't seen any since.

I hope you all are safe and healthy this holiday season and stay so as well. 💜

🥃 cheers!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Choo choo


1 Year