Choo choo

And here I am with another gap of time between my last entry and now. Work has picked up again and I've been working longer and later hours…it's rather exhausting and doesn't allow much room for creativity after it's all said and done.

I have a couple games this week that I'm running, one is actually tomorrow the second is on Saturday. Currently I find myself lounging in a steamy bubble bath trying to relax a little bit before going and working on some game prep.

I keep trying to chug along but boy is it hard lately to keep up with everything. I kind of just want to close off for the rest of winter and then come back in maybe February! I couldn't do that though.

People are exhausting, just in general. Now when I talk specifically, it’s the fact that everybody gets offended so easily at literally everything and anything. It's incredibly frustrating to try and be PC all the time, it's really impossible. I miss the days where you could say something… anything…and it may have been some kind of genuine comment or question and that's fine but then there's that one person out there who is going to get their panties in a twist and start yelling at you about it because for some reason and some far-off land it's offensive… whatever “it” is.

Ugh. I'm just so over everybody's delicate fucking sensibilities.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


