Busy Busy Busy

The last few weeks have been an odd combo of busy and lazy. I’m trying reeealy hard to shake off the remaining laziness from over the holidays. No only that but folks are really into their football here in KC. That means that inherently everybody at my work office is pretty much too. I actively tried to pay attention to the games this year and watch how the Chiefs were playing and this was totally the right year to start. We kept winning and were headed to the Superbowl. AND THEN WE WON THE SUPERBOWL!

So it’s been kind of crazy this last week. The big parade is tomorrow in downtown KC… so everybody will be in party mode. People are already camping out just so they can get the best spots for the parade tomorrow. It’s 27F outside and snowing. Some sportsball fans are crazy!

Besides the Superbowl, I’ve been working more on personal things and other TTRPGs. I’ve kind of fell back into playing video games this last month or two. I’ve been playing a lot of Borderlands 3 with Travis as well as Neverwinter from WotC that’s D&D based. Both are really fun games.

I’ve picked up crocheting again, I’m still pretty rusty but its fun none the less. I’ve been trying to get into a decent sleep scheduled but I really suck at that. I’d like to get up at 6am every day and get into bed around 10:30 or 11pm every night…. aaaand it’s already 2min after 11pm. So I will take that as my cue to hop off here and get my butt to bed.



Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


103 Degrees


Lacking Concentration