103 Degrees

I started feeling ill around 2/19 and then reeealy got hit with the flu on the 21st. I ran ridiculously high fevers off and on for a few days. I think I topped out at 103 and I’m pretty sure I was just babbling to myself at times. It was really pretty awful. Everything hurt. Every single part of my body ached. I had to take several cold showers to help lower my temperature. It was pretty bad for about 4 days and I even called out of work, using my last PTO day until my bank is replenished again on my anniversary… that’s come up on the 12th of this month. Thankfully not too much longer. I feel like I’ve missed a chunk of time. It’s frustrating being that ill.

I am finally starting to feel better but I have this lingering cough. I’m told it’ll probably hang around for another week or two. Super looking forward to that. -_____-

I’m behind on actually publishing this website but that will change soon as I’m getting back into the swing of things! I ordered chinese for dinner and it just arrived! Now that’s something I’m actually looking forward too!

Also going to be meeting up with my Return to Greyhawk D&D group here in a few min to talk about our future and when/if we’ll be playing soon. Hopefully that goes well!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


A New Campaign


Busy Busy Busy