Day 33

Today our local news said that the quarantine will be active until 5/10. Initially it was 5/15 but people are getting antsy. I do and I don’t understand why some people are pushing to go back to work and open businesses again. I know everybody needs money and has bills to pay. I know that it’s has been really very hard for some folks… but you know, I would take a period of time that’s hard & destitute as opposed catching the virus and dying.

The rest of this year is going to be fairly interesting, we’ll see how this country fairs… humanity in general is pretty disappointing.

BUT on a positive note, it’s beautiful outside today. It’s sunny and 72 and Travis just returned home after getting us some groceries! Success! Now it’s time to go make some dinner!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Oh Hai!

