Oh Hai!

I made it back here and it’s not exactly a million years later! I call that winning!

It’s been a pretty busy Monday… but they generally are when it comes to work. I think my office is going to keep extending the work at home thing. I am super okay with this. I am actually MORE productive working from home than I am when I’m working in the office. AND not that I switched out the wheels on my Corsair chair, I’m not having any back problems anymore. A lot of the tiny ball bearings had found there way outside of my wheels over the last three-ish years so they were king of listing and not doing so well. Easy fix though and if I would have thought about it, I would had requested them under the warranty. I didn’t think about that until I already received them and was installing them.

I’ve been hand sewing some face masks for Travis & I to use for the eventual release back into the diseased society. UGH. I dread that. I’m really happy just working from home… granted, I do miss the brand-freakin-new office that was literally just built for my business. We just moved in at the end of February.

Ooooooooh well.

My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks… not that I’ll be doing much of anything. That’s okay though, I’m happy, healthy, and have a ton of paranormal investigation shows to watch.

That’s about all I have to report at the moment!

Hope you all are doing well too!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.




Day 33