Two Weeks

Work is over for the day and it was pretty good! Probably one of the best Mondays that I’ve had in awhile.

I have a hair appointment tonight and then tomorrow we’re taking Bella back to the vet to get checked out. Hopefully that goes well. Not too sure what would happen with any other outcome.

Had a D&D game this last Saturday with my local folk. It was super fun and I can’t wait until the next session. It’ll be a couple weeks though. We generally play Saturdays evenings so I’m usually going over DM prep the night before and that day. This coming Saturday I have another recording session with Redemption, the Star Wars Podcast I’m in. we have a new season starting up on 8/24! So just in a couple more weeks! I am really excited about that!

I’ve actually been going back into the Redemption archives and listening to the show from the beginning and it’s freaking hilarious! Feel free to go check it out. It started back in Octorber 2015. From what I understand this is the longest running Star Wars Actual Play podcast out there. It’s kind of cool thing to think about considering how many podcasts are available to listen to.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Still Breathing


Bellaboo Pinktoe