Petri Dish

I dont know what it was last night but just being in public made wast to stop going out all together.

Travis & I had an excursion out to see my long time friend from Hawaii. He travels all over to run marathons. He’s alreayd completed a circut of every state and he’s working on his 2nd time around. He has a few days of actual vacation here in KC before heading out to another marathon later in the week.

Just did the math and we’ve been friends for 23yrs now. Met him waaay back in the days of ICQ, AIM, and YIM. Heck, I even had a MySpace back then when they came about.

I want to say that I feel like I was an entirely different person at that time but that’s not really true. I think people are… and this may be a bit hard to visualize… but I think people are kind of like a dish with liquid in it. Just a little liquid. Imagine something like a petri dish with a tablespoon of oil in it. The dish might start our flat when your born, nothing has really influenced you yet…and as you grow, there’s a whole spectrum of thought and styles you lean to. so the dish becomes a little unbalanced, the liquid insides gathers at a side… and it kind of slides all around as you experience and learn things.

Maybe by the time high school and college comes around, the dish is full of different tastes and styles, some you lean a bit more into than the others and that’s perfectly okay! Perhaps as you get older, after the schooling and into real adulthood, tastes may change and the dish leans again.

I dont know…maybe that’s a bit of a crazy kind of analogy? Doesn’t matter, makes sense to me. I think I have a lot of different tastes and styles that I like. I know that I leaned really hard into a few of them over the years. I’m trying to level out my petri dish these days. I love all the parts that make up me. Some I haven’t see pop out in awhile. Trying to find that balance where the oil touches all parts of my experiences. I feel like that’s going to be my best me. Even that bits that I didn’t like, they are still part of what made me who I am now.

Boy that was kind of long, but I guess I needed to get it out. I do feel like I’m in another period of growth…so we’ll see how balanced that dish stays.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Mornings & Vacation

