Sleepy Slowness

I continue to fail at mornings this week. ๐Ÿ˜…

Feels like bit of myself has alreayd moved into vacation mode. Oh well. To be fair, I did have trouble getting to sleep last night. That idid make the morning more diffucult today.

My whole routine is off. Normally I eat before I even begin writting here but thatโ€™s just how late I got up. Travis being the sweet he his, is going to pick us up some Starbucks here in a bit. Looking forward to that. I opted for the London Fog today instead of one of the standard Fall drinks thatโ€™s full of sugars and fats. The London Fog is probably one of the better drink on the menu. Switch out the milk for heavy cream and mke the vanilla syrup sugar free and viola! Itโ€™s keto too. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Not that anybody really cares.

That sleepy and kind of slowness still has my body this morning. Waking up early is so much better. Itโ€™s Thursday and I only have one more day before having time off so weโ€™ll see what kind of mornings that time gives me.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.



Mornings & Vacation