
Yesterday was kind of a wonky day and nothing happend in any kind of order but it’s today now! So back on track with the morning and evening routine. Recorded with the crew last night for the 2nd episode of Redemption Podcast (Star Wars AP) and I having a great time with it. I can’t wait to see where the story goes this season.

So my weight bench actually came. I think I mentioned that last time… anyway. I ordered it last week and was under the impression (because that was the estimated delivery date) that it wouldn’t arrive util around 10/12. I was sitting out back Saturday night about 10pm and saw that I had two missed text mesages. The message just came in at 9:45pm informing me that my bench was delivered. Ummm what? It’s only the 1st, no where near the 12th. Clearly I have to go pull up my tracking info because there’s nothing on my doorstep at 10pm on a Saturday.

Tracking says oh yeah, it’s been delivered…. the day before 9/29 at around 5ish in the PM. Um..No? I was here during that time. So I go directly to the FedEx website and track, they have a POD on there inclusive of a photo that shows the package ON SOMEBODY ELSES PORCH. 😬

I get on with chat assistance from the store I bought it through and explaine what happen and ask how to fix it. They help me and say they check into and send an email CCing me. The chat person was very helpful but when I received a response from whoever the chat dude emailed, they basically said Oops! We got notice from the carrier that the item was damaged in shipment and returned to sender. 😕

Nah bro...that's not what happend. I have a photo of it being on somebody elses porch.

Anway, the end of the email said another would be shipped out and delivered within 2 days. It's Sunday by now so I assume 2 business days. Well okay... it's not like I wasn't already expecting this to show up in the middle of October anyway.

Monday comes and there's a thunk on my poarch. Tada! Like magic my weight bench is waiting there for me. Like holy shit, what freaking happend with the delivery timing and was this thing even damaged? How did any of this happend so quickly? Guess it doesn't matter and I have my purchase.

I receivd a follow up email from whoever it was that said they'd ship another basically saying heeeey! it delivered today per our tracking, have an nice life. 👀 A nice life? Mmkay.

Oh well, that’s the story and I am finally one weight bench richer. I’ll be getting it set up tonight. I’m pretty fucking excited about it. I have a full olympic weight & bar set. I really needed a bench/stand to go with it.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

the AM

