the AM

I remember back in my 20s, I had this whole morning thing down… I got up at X, cleaned up, ate some breakfast, and then made my way into work. Every freaking day except Sundays. The store was closed on Sundays.

Sometimes I really miss that job. That was my Sears Parts & Service days where I learned my fair share of small engine and appliance repair. To be honest though, most of that stuff I learned from my father in my much younger years. Anyway, I really enjoyed that work. I knew it wasn’t going to last me forever…even more so when the store was closed. My manager and I move to another store… it was an hour drive for her and well, I actually just moved to the other city. First time on my own too. It was kind of a scary and exciting time in my life. I had that job though and my manger in the new city which I know is the only reasy I was able to break out of my shell a bit and manage the huge change.

I was there for about a year before the typical story of meeting a boy from the even bigger city and moving in with him thing happend. Essentially that is how I made my debut in Kansas City or rather one of the several suburbs. Been around here ever since.

Getting back to that solid morning schedule is what I’m working toward and I feel like I’m already almost there. At least with the waking, washing, and getting breakfast bit. The working out will probably end up starting next week. Like I said, my weight bench did deliver but I’m still trying to get the time to put it gether so it’s functional. I guess it’s been a busy week already and it’s only Wednesday.. maybe that should be it’s already Wednesday?

I’m running another game tonight It’s probaby my favourite of all the D&D games that I run. I attempted to do some prep-work for it last night but last night was also my Patreon Job Bob Briggs monthly watch along with Dary the Mail Girl of the terribly awful movie Halloween III : Season of the Witch.

Watching it with Joe Bob and hearing his comments were more than paid for by my Pateron sub to him and The Last Drive In (TLDI). I was thrilled when I found out he was back a few years ago. One of the few childhood gems that I had growing up was watching his shows on The Movie Channel (which doesn’t exist anymore) and TNTs Monstervision. I guarantee that I probably shouldn’t have been watching those things at the age I was but oh well! Here we are and here I am.

I was watchin’ The Bachelor the other night, and it reminded me of this guy in Arkansas who was wantin’ to get married but he was havin’ trouble choosin’ among three likely candidates to marry.

So he decides to give each woman a present of $5,000 and watch what they do with the money. So the first woman does a total makeover, she goes to a beauty spa, she gets her hair done, new makeup, buys several outfits, joins a spa, gets toned, tells him she’s done all this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much, and he’s fairly impressed by that.

Second woman, she goes shoppin’ to buy him a bunch of gifts. She gets him a new set of golf clubs, walk-in humidor for his cigars, some expensive clothes, and she presents all this stuff to him and she says she spent all the money on him because she loves him so much, and he’s fairly impressed by that.

The third one invests the money in the stock market, she earns several times that $5,000 back. She gives him back his $5,000, she re-invests the rest in a joint account, and then she tells him she wants to save for their future because she loves him so much, and the man is very impressed by that.

So he thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money, and then he married the one with the biggest boobs. - Joe Bob Briggs


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

when it rains it pours

