And it’s finally here

The snow has finally arrived! Woo!

It’s not the first snow of the year and hopefully it won’t be the last. I absolutly love snow and we hardly get it anymore. I believe that per the weather forcast, it’s supposed to snow all day and some tomorrow too. There is a good chance this year that we might actually have a white Christmas. 🤞🏻

Out on our back deck, we have a pop-up canopy. So far, it’s blown off the deck twice. Once a couple weeks ago and then once again early this morning. 😬 Sometimes that wind is pretty dang bad. When our alarms went off at 6 this morning, I usually head to the bathroom and then check on my cat stuff. I decided to peek out the window to see if any snow actually happend and to my happy surprise it did! BUT then I relized that something was off and “oh! the canopy!” Hollaring at Travis commenced to get up and help me. Again, he’s not the easiest to get out of bed.

Well, we managed to fight againt the 2 degree temps and blowing fridgid wind to get the canopy back in place and even more securly tied down. That was a time though because fuck it’s cold out!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

*flailing* *flailing* *more flailing*


No Bunko