No Bunko

It’s a been a struggle to get back in to my up at 6am schedule… at least since it’s been in the freezing cold temps. The warm snuggly bed always wins…. and in the mornings, I am very persuasive as to why I should stay in bed. I give myself airtight reasons why I shouldn’t get out of bed especially with the holiday around the corner. 😂

If only I could be that persuasive when I’m awake!

Now, the mornings when Travis needs to actually go into the office, those lean to the more frustrating sides of things. He doen’t do mornnings in any kind of fashion. Why even set the alam for 6 if you’re going to snooze it till 7 every single day.

ANYWAY… some of the plans for this week has changed. The good sister and family have pushed back the visit until the following Monday. Why? Well the son caught the Covid. 😬 I’m exceptionally not thrilled about that. Though all members in the family are supposed to be safe this coming Friday. As long as they test clean on Sunday, Christmas Day, I think I’ll be okay with them visiting.

I try to be more careful than most about not catching it because of my mother. She’s not in the BEST of health so if anything goes wrong and she needs to be in the hospital, I don’t want Covid being the reason I can’t see her.

Basically all this means is that I get to push my baking/cooking schedule back until after seeing my parents. I can manage that. For it being a short work week, I have a feeling it’s going to feel much longer than it is. I imagne next week is going to be awful work-wise as well.

Woo, so thrilled. 🙄

OH! Two more things, it should snow this week AND my imgur secret santa waited until the last few hours before confirming that something is headed my way! So no Bunko!! How exciting!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

And it’s finally here

