The Great Old One

It was Travs birthday yesterday! 🎂 We had a Cthulhu game and it was super fun… can’t wait until next session. We both have to work today but tonight will be fun and tomorrow its tattoo day! Travis is getting his arm worked on some more with bringing the shoulder piece down.

I would love to get more work done but I really want to wait until after we move just to make sure we have plenty of cash for anything we might need or forgot to think about. Only a few more months! I’ll need to start looking a bit more seriously here soon. Most places are taken super fast so it’s pointless to really look early and any of the places that are filled for several months are ususally crap…


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Oh jeeze


the last drive-in