the last drive-in

I’ve been watching Joe Bob Briggs since the early 90s… waaay back when I really shouldn’t have been watching his show. I just couldn’t help it! He’s a huge reason why I love horror of all kinds. He started out as a columnist in a newspaper and then eventually picked up a show on The Movie Channel… when the was an actual cable channel. Always with the horror of all levels and I dove in. Within the last couple of years, I finally realized that he’s back and it’s thanks to Shudder! I never would have found him again withouth that company. Joe Bob has been at this for years and he’s still amazing as always. My point for them semi rambling story is that JOB BOB IS GOING TO BE IN KANSAS CITY!!! Yep! on the 28th I get to finally see him in person at a watch along of Bubba Ho-Tep. I’m beyond excited. I never would have even dreamed this would be a thing years ago as I watched him and his amazing movie commentary during the breaks.

If you are not familiar with Job Bob, please check him out!

If you love him just like I do, consider becoming a Patron of his!

AND Darcy the Mail Girl is super amaing too!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

The Great Old One


go to sleep, i'll see you in my dreams