It begins

So here it is almost June and the sorting of things has begun! Today I packed the majority of my books, even decided to put a few towards donation. I'm tired and currently sitting in the bath as per usual when I compose these entries.

We drove out to Lawrence on Saturday, I had high hopes for it. Unfortunately it wasn't as nice as the pictures I'd like to believe. Plus living in Lawrence when all my friends are in KC would be kind of rough.

The house was twice the size of most of the ones we can afford in this area for the same price. I wanted to give it a shot. I think we'll be checking out another house up North tomorrow, hopefully sometime this week if tomorrow doesn't work out. I have a good feeling about this Northern house but we'll see.

Honestly I just want to be done moving already and setting up the new house, wherever that ends up.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

i am not dead. mostly.


Oh jeeze