i am not dead. mostly.

OMFG. Moving in 115F is fuuuuuuuking stupid!

That’s what happened though. Stil pulling things out of boxes and finding homes for them… it was a full week this past Saturday that we’ve been in the new house! I’m still tired and there’s still things that need to be done. Maybe by the middle of next month everything will be settled. At least I can hope so.

The animals are doing okay… sorta. Bella wasn’t liking it at all at first but has calmed down or at least I thought she did. Now she has a UTI going on and has a vet visit today. Vet said she may need to have xrays since she’s been having them so frequently. We’ll see what happens. Hopefully some meds will make it go away quickly like usual. 🤞

I have a smaller area than I did in the last house. 🙁

I am also pretty sure taking a bath here is not going to be great… while the tub is a bit wider, it’s much shallower. Shallow bathtubs are fucking lame. We’re here for at least 2yrs soooooo I’ll probably just die during that time of not have a nice relaxing bath. 😭


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


life in pink? mostly!


It begins