life in pink? mostly!

okay okay okay

It’s the week before 4th of July and there there’s a long weekend coming up since the holiday is on next Monday. Yay long weekends! I just wish it wasn’t a holiday. I need more time here in the new house to get it put together how I want it. I skipped the last trip out to my parents so we kind of have to go this time around. It’ll be nice to get out of the city but boooy I just wish I had more time.

NEXT weekend… 7/8 is the MGK concert, I’m fucking thrilled and can’t wait! I’m taking the day off work and will be headed down to the KC proper. Get some great parking, tasty lunch, and maybe some shopping.



Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Zeeeeeero Motivation


i am not dead. mostly.