It's Starting!

It’s starting to for reals feel like Autumn! the temps over this last weekened was lovely and it was down in the 50s last night! I turned off the AC and hope to not need to turn it back on the rest of the year. I could really use a less expensive electric bill. Also apparently I can hook my thermostat up to the internet and there’s a fancy app on my phone now that can controll it. How cool is that?! It’s cool for a person who has never had that option before!

My weekend was pretty dang nice. Ran a Tomb of Annihilation game on Saturday night. Two of the players ended up being petrified! 😱 The cleric of the party didn’t have Greater Restoration availalbe so she and the other two players were worried quite a bit trying to figure out how to fix the new party statues. Thankfully they remembered they had met somebody previously that could help them out! It just took some in game time for them to find her. Lucky for them, they remembered, otherwise those two may have had to roll up a couple new characters!

Sunday was a really nice day. I was able to get some necessary shopping done for myself as well as get in some more game prep for the Tyranny of Dragons game this coming Saturday! Woo! Being productive! While also waching some horror movies!

Nooooooow… if I could just feel prodcutive with my actual day job. 🙄


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

The Stuff

