The Stuff

I picked up a new planner recently to try and use daily. Before the pandemic hit I used to use one all the time and I had most of my shit together. After we ended up working from home for a while (I still do) I never got back into the routine I once had and it went by the wayside but unfortunately got buried. What waste of money that planner was now because it was barely used.

So we'll see how this new one goes… I've come across these reusable notebooks that I am really kind of diggin. They use special ink that is erasable and can also be wiped off with a damp cloth. This planner should work for the rest of my life unless something tragic happens like a fire over I get sucked into a black hole. Nobody ever really knows when that last one is going to happen.

I am currently sitting in the bathtub as I tend to be for most of these dictated posts. My writing seems to flow better for whatever reason, maybe it's because I'm not actually typing. I miss my old bathtub, it was larger than the one I currently have but I'm making do with this one as much as I dislike it, I still want a bath. I suppose I just need to got rent a fancy room for an evening with a giant bathtub in it. I could totally go for that once a month. Obviously I want more often but I doubt I could afford more than once a month.

My coworker has decided to take the next seven Fridays off which is pretty annoying for me because that's every Friday in September and October. October is the best fucking month but she's being cunt! It was suggested I take Mondays off just in spite of her 😂. Usually go on season camping the first week in November so that'll be a week off. I don't know why my coworker won't just take a chunk of time off, she is on for a lot of reasons that I don't need to put here.

I did quite a bit of game prep last night for the tyranny of dragons game coming up on Saturday night. I'm looking forward to it, it's going to be really interesting I think and hopefully my players will enjoy it if they live! Bwahahahaha!

My bath is no longer scalding and close to room temperatures so things that our time has come to an end, for now at least. Have a good evening! Go get some Stuff!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

ugh ☹


It's Starting!